BILLY Footwear Now Availabile in Ireland
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About us

We are Rob and April, proud and busy parents of three boys - Kian, Luke and Charlie.

Our oldest boy Kian was born with a rare genetic condition called FOXG1 (see Although Kian’s condition has introduced a whole range of challenges, he never gives up and remains our bright, happy and determined boy.

Kian’s condition has meant that over the years we have had to source a lot of inclusive products to assist him in everyday life. One challenge was to find shoes that Kian could wear day-to-day and would fit over his orthotics (AFOs). Then we found Billy Footwear which ticked every box for us. They are stylish, functional and most importantly easy to get on!

The only issue we had was getting them to Ireland, which proved to be a difficult process. We decided to work with Billy Footwear to bring them to Ireland and help other families like us. Billy Footwear was a gamechanger for us and we hope it will be for you.

In the future our goal is to make a wider range of products available. We are targeting inclusive items similar to Billy Footwear that have the ability to make life that little bit easier such as seamless socks, special needs bibs, rainboots and clothing.

© Keeks Accessibles Limited 2025 | Design & Development by

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